I senaste numret (April) av den anglo-katolska organisationen Forward in Faith:s tidskrift New Directions (vilket du kan läsa online här) skriver den svenskfödda Hanna Hart om den svenska katolska rörelsen under rubriken "Swedish reflecions". Artikeln är viktig eftersom den lyfter fram vår situation på ett väldigt rakt och oförskönat sätt för den anglo-katolska läsarkretsen, och att den dessutom uppmuntrar till fortsatt kyrkokamp. Därför passar det utmärkt att tipsa om den här på Kyrkliga Betraktelser. Hon skriver bland annat:
The Catholic movement in the Church of Sweden is now small, publicly persecuted and marginalized by the establishment. However, it is still very much alive and has new young and enthusiastic members as well as old trusty warriors who show scars of many battles. Within the Church of Sweden they are fighting to save something of its wonderful spiritual history and traditions – a mix of the best of Lutheranism and Catholicism interpreted in an uniquely Swedish way which, sadly, at the moment, is not allowed to shine through the fog of liberal intolerance and ignorance.
The determination of the Catholics of the Church of Sweden is of course foolishness to the world, but their sacrifices and their humble perseverance in working and praying for their sick mother church is a true sign of faith and hope and love.
Hennes avslutande rader är mycket trösterika:
Faithfulness in suffering will always be the true sign of our following Christ and manifesting his body in the world. If he suffered, alone and unjustly, should we expect anything else? We need that humility to be able to follow our vocation and sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the people of our church and country and through them for the sake of Christ.
Hopefully we can find that humility with the help of renewed contrition and confidence in God’s providence. And with our eyes on the prize, the Easter at the end of our Lent, we can keep persevering in hope of eternal joy and peace.
Tänkvärda rader att ta vara på och påminnas om. New Directions är förövrigt alltid en intressant läsning för den som vill bredda sitt kyrkliga tidskriftsutbud. Samtliga nummer från 2007 och framåt, kan ni läsa online här.
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